VetCheck 24/7

We have changed the way that we deliver after-hours and emergency veterinary advice to all our pet patients. You’ll now be able to speak to a qualified VetCheck Vet via a video consultation, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Booking an appointment is easy; simply use the emergency button on our website which will take you to our Medechat platform where the VetCheck Vets are ready to assist you.

The VetCheck Vet will give you the advice and peace of mind that you need. They’ll let you know if you need to attend an emergency veterinary centre straight away, or if it can wait until we are open for an in-clinic appointment. You may not need an in-clinic appointment at all and all appointment notes are sent back to us so we can continue your pets care.

It’s the fast and safe way to help your pet when we’re not open.

In case of emergencies which need to be seen at the vet hospital, please call 08 8952 9899 and follow the prompt to speak to a qualified veterinary nurse who will take basic information and notify our on-call vet.